What we do to support young people
Young people in our community face many challenges and need our support. Some are vulnerable and disadvantaged. Others struggle with everyday scenarios. We are here for all, offering support and guidance to help them lead healthy, happy and fulfilling lives.
Our small team of Youth Workers and volunteers engage with youngsters where they feel most comfortable, this includes at our youth clubs, out in the community, in school, at home or via social media.
We support those who need us. Some of the issues we help young people face include being bullied, dealing with domestic violence, being disengaged from education, training or work, family breakdowns, poverty, coping with being a young parent and leading unhealthy and dangerous lifestyles. We will listen and help regardless of the issue, without judgement. We also feel it is very important for the family around the young person to feel supported. We can make referrals to foodbanks and support with access to support for finances. If you live in the Waterside area, reach out for support and we will either be able to help you or find someone who can.
As part of our work, we offer regular youth clubs, trips, holiday clubs and school drop-ins. See our what's on page to find out more!

We are here to support you 24/7, 365 days a year. Need support? Get in touch.
Our Mission
To hear the voices of children and young people in The Waterside who are struggling and need support. We’ll listen, guide and encourage. And we are not going anywhere – we’ll be with you every step of the way.