The summer of 2022. What a wonderful 5 weeks we had! This year the sessions were held at Hythe Youth Club in Ewart Recreation Park and Marchwood Youth Club in Lloyds Recreation Park, Netley View park and an outreach sports in the park hub at other parks around the Waterside. We also did fully funded trips to Lymington Lido, Ferny Croft, Lepe beach and Beaulieu motor museum! Thanks to CM Foundation, Marchwood hosted events for 11+ including first aid, street cooking, well-being and arts and crafts. We also had a trip to Chessington which we were able to heavily subsidise due to kind financial support.
Over the summer, we had more than 1200 sign ins!! We all had great fun and had some lovely feedback including:
‘This has been the best summer yet’
‘A massive thank to you Sofia and team for all the fantastic trips and youth club throughout the summer holidays we've all had a great time’
‘A Massive thank you for keeping my kids entertained they enjoyed it’
The Sports and Fun in the Park 2022 project had the support of the New Forest District Council, Hythe Youth Club, Marchwood Youth Club, Marchwood Parish Council, Hythe & Dibden Parish Council, Dibden Allotments Fund, Sovereign housing and CM Foundation who have generously helped fund this project. A member of our team sits on the Early help hub meetings with the Family support service who was then able to sign-post families to our project, as well as schools sharing the information prior to the end of term.
Thank you all for joining us and thank you to:
Our loyal volunteers who generously give up their time and support. We are truly grateful to these people.
We also show gratitude to the paid workers, who tirelessly played games and led arts and craft sessions and kept the children entertained throughout the glorious summer holidays. For this, The Handy Trust are very appreciative.
We also thank all the staff, temporary and permanent, and the Trustees of the Board for all their hard work. This is the busiest time of year and as usual they achieved outstanding results.
Thanks also to Michael Armstrong and Charly Richardson, ACSOs for Hythe and Dibden, for coming along and engaging with the community and particularly young people to build strong relationships.
Thank you to Ferny Crofts, staff at Lepe Beach, Lymington Lido, CM foundation and Beaulieu Motor Museum who all provided excellent activities and experiences for young people and their families.
Lastly, we would like to show our gratitude to Dibden Allotment Funds, New Forest District Council, Hythe and Dibden Parish Council, Marchwood Parish council, Sovereign Housing and the local councillors who have continued to support our projects. Without you support our successes would be somewhat harder.
Last but not least a big thank you to everyone who played a part in this year’s project, however big or small. Together we made it happen for our children and young people.
We are now back to our weekly youth clubs as normal - Marchwood youth club Monday 6-7.30 and Hythe youth club 5.30 - 7pm. We hope to see you there and will update you soon with our October half-term plans!